Heating & Air Conditioning Air Conditioning/HeatingContractors-Electrical, Plumbing & Mechanical
Monday thru Friday office hours 8-5, after hours service available.
Driving Directions:
118 W. Fairmeadows, Duncanville Texas. Just off I-20 and Main Street.
About Us
At Wolverton Company, we have a demonstrated commitment to quality and exceptional service.
Wolverton is the oldest Air Conditioning repair and service company in the Dallas area, and has been a member of the Refrigeration Service and Engineers Society since the early 1970s, and a member of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America since the 1980s.
Rich with history, Wolverton Company was one of the first companies to bring central air to homes in the Metroplex.
In the garage of H.W. Wolverton, Wolverton Air was founded in 1939, and began many firsts in the industry. Wolverton was the first company to bring air conditioning equipment to Duncanville by the boxcar - and the first local HVAC company to be licensed by the state of Texas.
First to understand the use of technology for better customer service, Wolverton was the first to use computers in dispatching with customer service history information.
In 1999, Wolverton Air expanded, opening a full-service facility in Waxahachie, providing HVAC equipment and repair to all of Ellis County.
Today, Thomas Wolverton, son of H.W. Wolverton, runs the company with son Keith. Three generations strong, Wolverton employs more than thirty people dedicated to bring their experience